“Therefore I remind you to stir up the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of my hands. For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:6-7 

In a world with looming challenges on the horizon and brimming with fretful, fearful people, we need daughters like Sarah who were not frightened by any fear (1 Peter 3:6) and fathers who fear no man (Proverbs 25:29). Although some of the unique difficulties of the modern age may feel new, fearfulness is as old as sin. Even Sarah faltered in trusting God’s promises, yet Hebrews 11 praises her for her faith in bearing Isaac past her childbearing years, “because she judged Him faithful who had promised.” (Hebrews 11:11)

In our experience, daughters especially tend to walk through seasons of fear. When the weight of the world feels like it is pressing in from every side (from unattainable standards of beauty and youth to how she should spend her very life), she needs a father who loves and trusts a sovereign God to help her navigate her fears. 

What can fathers and daughters do on an everyday level to address the issue of fearfulness? How can they grow in faith together? What does it look like when fathers and daughters are energized by the power of the gospel? What happens to your heart and mind when they are saturated with the Word of God? The speakers at Fearless will address these questions and more as we learn to quiet our hearts with the goodness and faithfulness of our never-changing God. 

We are delighted to invite you to join us in the journey out of fear and into faith. 

The cost is $50 per person, and the family rate is $150


Here are some extra resources:

Frequently Asked Questions:

What Age is Recommended for this Retreat?
All ages are welcome, but we are recommending this retreat for girls ages three and up. This conference is designed to cover topics that will engage and help the listeners, from the father with the greyest hair to the littlest daughter. 

What Should We Wear? 
During sessions you are welcome to wear what you feel is appropriate; the average attendee is probably going to be wearing something in the range of dress-casual (think of a Wednesday night church service). This conference also features some outdoor games and time for hiking, so don’t forget comfortable, movement-friendly clothing!