Singlehood is a rich but trying season.
It’s a time filled with unique opportunities, to be sure. But it’s also fraught with dangerous temptations, as the unmarried Christian seeks to serve the Lord with contentment, purpose, and purity.
If you’re in this state of life, searching for answers, there’s cause for great hope!
At the “Holiness to the Lord: A Single’s Conference,” we purpose to declare that hope.
And here’s where it’s found: in knowing that God is holy, and rightly glorifying Him—this is the key for knowing who you’re supposed to be:
“but as He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, because it is written, ‘Be holy, for I am holy.’” (1 Pet. 1:15-16)
With an eye toward the practical, our desire for this conference is to cast a compelling vision for what holiness means during your single years. This will start with core doctrines and a big view of God that you can carry forward into all of life’s seasons. It will also include inspiring stories of how God has mightily used single people throughout history.
Among the topics we’ll tackle—how should you:
Here are our event speakers:
If you’re a single Christian and frustrated, don’t lose heart!
God has saved you so that you “Might serve Him without fear, In holiness and righteousness before Him all the days of [your] life” (Luke 1:74b-75).
Join us on April 23-24 as we seek to paint a practical and inspiring picture, from Christ’s sufficient Word, for how to be set apart for Him—in your single years and beyond!
The conference will feature an engaging Q&A time, and we would be delighted to hear your questions! Submit questions or topics you would like to see explored here.
This is not a matchmaking conference, but we do want to provide a context for single people to get to know one another while learning and worshiping together. Although the content is geared at single people of all ages, parents and younger siblings are welcome to attend.
On Thursday, we will conclude the Singles Conference with the Burnings in the Soul Luncheon (cost included in admission), where speakers for this year’s national conference will exhort us on matters weighing on their hearts.
Holiness to the Lord is a separate pre-conference event preceding our national conference, Build|Dwell|Plant, which runs April 24-26. Both conferences require separate registration; register for the Build|Dwell|Plant Conference here.