What is the purpose of chastisement? Clarence Simmons explains in this video that the purpose of God’s chastisement can be found in Hebrews chapter 12. That purpose is to conform us more to the likeness of God and to the will of God, that we may be holy. This involves a cutting off of all things that are not Christ-like. While the chastisement is certainly not pleasant, we must realize that God disciplines us so that we can be fruitful and be holy. He is making us more like His Son. God chastens us when we rebel and sin against Him instead of letting us go astray and continue down a path that leads to destruction. How merciful and good He is! Hebrews 12:5-6 (NKJV) – “My son, do not despise the chastening of the Lord, nor be discouraged when you are rebuked by Him; for whom the Lord loves He chastens, and scourges every son whom He receives.”

The fatherly displeasure, that's what our older writers would call it when it comes to God's chastisement. But the purpose we can see of God's chastisement when we look at Hebrews chapter 12, the purpose of that chastisement is to conform us, for the child of God is to conform us more to the likeness of God or the will of God is so that we may be holy not that the chastisement itself is pleasant that we're receiving for no child is going to say that a chastisement even coming from their father is pleasant but it's so that it may be fruitful and the fruit of it when God does it is holiness. He's making us more like his son. That's the purpose of the chastisement and to wean off all those things, carve and cut off all those things that don't look like the Lord Jesus Christ.