How important is it to keep in the mind the reality of eternity and Hell?

Paul Carrington explains in this video that it is important to remember the eternal reality of Hell. When you think of the millions of people who will be spending eternity in a place of eternal torment, how can you keep going on as normal? 

One Puritan explained it that 5 million years from now, a soul in Hell will be no closer to being released than the first day that they entered. Jonathan Edwards once stated, "Lord, stamp eternity on my eyeballs." We ought to have a similar urgency in the church for holiness and for the souls of men. 

2 Thessalonians 1:9 (NKJV) – “These shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of His power.”

One other thing I would say is in regards to Reformation in the church is the idea of eternal judgment of hell becomes more of a reality to the people and what I mean by that is that You know when you think of eternity and that people will be spending their lives there Their eternal life there. They'll be in that place of eternal torment How is it that we will just continue as though, you know, life is normal, we'll be able to wave at Bob, our neighbor, and simply have no pain in our hearts. You know, there's a recent Puritan that I was listening to, my wife sent me an audio, and it was an audio of one of his readings and one of the things he says is just think of it that five million years from now a person a soul in hell will be no sooner to release than they were the very first day they entered. And it dawned on me five million years from now. I mean, there'll be no sooner, there'll be no closer to the end of their sentence than the first day they began.

And that ought to factor into us. There ought to be an urgency. When there's reformation in the church, I think you'll see an urgency in the church for holiness. There'll be an urgency in the church for the souls of men, a desire to preach the gospel, not by constraint, not by guilt, but because we recognize the stakes that are there, that we're talking about eternal souls, both in the church and those perishing without.