The role of leadership that you have been called to as a pastor is of significant importance in the kingdom. Much like every other age of the church, the role of pastoring in the 21st century presents many unique challenges. The one which we address may seem marginal when compared to the great foundational doctrines of the faith. However, it is hard to calculate the importance of the design for discipleship. It is obvious that it is very important to know and implement the methodology God intended us to use to communicate the great foundational doctrines of the faith to the next generation in our churches. Whether you are here searching for biblical answers or are actually troubled by "family integrated church" conversations in your church, we want to help you.

At the NCFIC we believe that God has laid out in patterns, precepts, and principals all throughout scripture a beautiful program for the effective discipleship of the whole congregation including children. However, these are significantly different from approach of the modern church. In the following resources you will find biblical solutions to the problems that exist in modern churches in the area of family discipleship. Our earnest desire is that the resources on this website would effectively and faithfully communicate what the scripture says about building churches which reflect the beautiful design for discipleship that Christ has established.
The Mission of the NCFIC:
1. Proclaim the sufficiency of scripture for church and family life
2. Promote the centrality of the church in God’s plan for families
3. Recover the biblical doctrines of manhood and womanhood in church and family life
4. Explain the complementary roles of church and family
5. Facilitate church planting and relationship building
6. Communicate the biblical doctrines of the church and family
7. Restore the biblical pattern of age integrated worship, discipleship and evangelism

Welcome, pastors, to the NCFIC website. We've loaded this website with dozens of resources that can help you think through what it means to establish a gospel-centered, biblically ordered, family-integrated church. On this site, we raise many of the issues that have to be discussed to answer two questions. Number one, what does biblical discipleship methodology look like in church and in family life? And secondly, how do I practically employ a biblical model of discipleship in my church?

Now there's a grand assumption behind these two questions, and it's this, Scripture's sufficient for all these things. And because of that, what you'll find on this website is not a new program for you to try in your church. We're not charged to recreate the church in every generation, but rather to establish true biblical churches and biblical practices in every generation. That's the heartbeat of this site. And I'd like to mention a couple of key things that we have here for you.

First, check out our Declaration for Uniting Church and Family, which is really the foundational document that explains all that we do. You'll also find lots of resources on many issues for your church and for your family all over the website. Now be sure to visit our network site where you can find two things, a list of churches and a list of families and pastors who embrace our confession. Well, I hope the website is a helpful tool for the spread of the Gospel in your family, your church, and in your community. Until the Earth will be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea, as Isaiah said in Isaiah 11.

And if there's something we can do for you, please don't hesitate to ask.