What one attribute of God would you talk about to your child? with Joel Beeke
What one attribute would summarize all of God? Holiness. God's holiness is the essence of who He is. It is his permanent crown. It is the supreme attribute shining on all of His other attributes! God is superlatively holy. Teach your children this.
If I could just talk to my children about one attribute, that would be very difficult to do, because to me, all the attributes of God are one in God. And the challenge of just talking about one attribute would make me feel like I'm leaving out so much else. So I guess my mind would go in this direction. What one attribute would summarize all about God? Well probably I would pick God's holiness because God's holiness is of the essence of who He is.
We say of God's holiness that it's His permanent crown. It's the shining of God's attribute, supreme attribute of holiness on all of his other attributes. It's like standing on oceans edge and looking out over the ocean and seeing all these white caps coming in. This beautiful white cap on every single wave when the sun's setting or rising and God's holiness is like that. It's the shining of all his attributes.
It's like the capstone of them all. Jonathan Edbrod said, it's an attribute of attributes. God is superlatively holy. So if I had to talk to my children about one attribute, I'd probably pick holiness. You