How much time is the church investing in teaching fathers to disciple their own children?

God has designated men, particularly fathers, to be teachers to their own children. Yet, there seems to be a gap in the training provided to these men for this critical task within the church. Paul Washer points out that just as men called into ministry are taught how to teach, fathers, who have also been called to teach, need to be trained in the same way. They need to be taught how to catechize, exemplify Christian living, and establish a Christian home.

There are many sincere men who are eager to fulfill their role as teachers to their children but are hindered by a lack of knowledge. The solution, Washer argues, begins with teaching. The church needs to invest more time in equipping fathers to carry out this divine mandate effectively, in order to prevent the destruction that comes from a lack of knowledge.

Hosea 4:6 (NKJV): "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being priest for Me; Because you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children."

God has given to the church pastors and deacons. God has given to the church men. And what are men supposed to do? They are to teach their own children. So the question is how much time, a church may even talk a lot about, you know, parents should disciple their own children, But how much time are they investing in actually teaching fathers to do this?

And so what we need to do is we need to sit down. Just like if I had a group of men called into the ministry to be teachers. I would teach them to teach. Well, fathers have been called to teach and we need to teach them to teach. Teach them to catechize.

Teach them what it means to exemplify. Teach them about a Christian home. So it all starts with teaching. There are a lot of sincere men out there who want to do better. Problem is, God's people is destroyed for a lack of knowledge.